UE Lady Warriors Face Adversity as Head Coach Jerry Yee Serves Suspension

UE Lady Warriors Face Adversity as Head Coach Jerry Yee Serves Suspension

The University of the East (UE) Lady Warriors encountered a setback on Sunday as they endured defeat in a game where they sorely missed the guidance of head coach Jerry Yee, who was handed a suspension lasting until the conclusion of the UAAP Season 86 women’s volleyball tournament. The decorated mentor, renowned for his coaching prowess, expressed dismay over the league’s decision, leaving the team grappling with the absence of his leadership on the sidelines.

UE’s deputy mentor, Dr. Obet Vital, voiced concerns over the lack of due process in the UAAP’s judgment, highlighting the team’s inability to present their side of the story. “I don’t know. I didn’t see the documents that were sent to him. Right now, I’m unaware of the suspension, if it’s just gonna be for one day or three months. But that’s until the end of the season, right?” said Vital following their loss against the Adamson Lady Falcons.

Amidst the adversity, Vital expressed determination to challenge the suspension through an appeal process, emphasizing the need for a fair hearing and consideration of Coach Yee’s perspective. “The [UE] community will come back, we’ll file an appeal. Let’s see how fast we can get an appeal going, and see if they stay with the decision temporarily until there’s a hearing or until coach Jerry Yee’s side is heard, and that’s what we’re hoping for,” he added.

Vital also raised concerns about the swiftness of the UAAP’s sanctions, pointing out the lack of a balanced approach in handling the situation. “Guilty kaagad eh. There’s no ‘Okay we heard one side, let’s hear the other side, let’s deliberate, and then make a decision.’ Papaano pa babawiin ‘yon?” he noted.

Looking ahead, Vital emphasized the team’s commitment to maintaining their focus and preparation for upcoming matches, including a challenging encounter against defending champions De La Salle Lady Spikers. “We’ll continue to do what we’ve been doing. No changes with regard to practices. None that I know of at this point,” he affirmed.

However, uncertainty looms over UE’s coaching position in light of Coach Yee’s suspension, with Vital deferring to management’s decision on the matter. “That’s not my decision. That will be the decision of management, so I’m not sure. But we have four coaches. They’ll decide who’s gonna be coaching, or if there’s somebody else, I have no idea,” he explained.